Okura Flexible Automation Systems Pte Ltd
ASEAN  •  Oceania  •  China

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We Engineer Your Success
Innovation, Safety, Quality

Palletizing Systems

"Unit load systems", which bring products together on pallets, are the starting point for streamlining physical distribution, and are a fixture in the industry. Palletizing systems are indispensable for building such systems. Okura has a full range of models - from robot systems which automatically & efficiently stack different kinds of products on different pallets, to high-speed systems which can process multiple products at high speeds.

Robot Palletizer
Robot Palletizer Conventional Palletizer

For more information on any of the above, please contact us via +65 6276 1711, sales@okura-sing.com.sg or Contact Us.

Customer Satisfaction
With round-the-clock, 365 days-a-year service support, we ensure our clients get full satisfaction from our products & services!  more